How far are Florence, Siena and Pisa from the estate?
Florence 25 km, Siena 30 km, Pisa 90 km
Are linens and towels provided or do I need to bring my own?
Yes, they are provided with weekly change
Is the price of the apartments per person or per apartment?
The price given is the weekly rate of an apartment.
Where can we rent a car?
At Florence railway station or Pisa/Florence airport
At what time can we check-in and out?
Check-in: not later than 19.00 pm. Check-out: before 10:00 a.m
Is there wifi in the rooms/apartments?
It is available for clients to connect to the free wi-fi network.
Are there quiet, private, romantic rooms?
All the rooms are particularly calm and quiet
Is parking available? ?
Yes, we have a parking place
Are there vineyards nearby?
There are olive yards around the Villa
Is there a swimming pool on the grounds?
Yes, and it’s open from June to September